It is with great pleasure that I welcome you back to 2024. Amazing to think we are almost 10% through the year already! I trust you all had a good break and are excited about the prospects for 2024 and we at Adroit Technologies wish you health, happiness, and great business (in that order).
It was a good year for us with the business showing growth, supply chains normalising and some interesting applications and projects won. I personally spearheaded the energy management business. I am telling you this as the world is littered with Energy Monitoring but very little on-site contextual energy management. The Energy business globally is complex, as are billing models that differ almost down to a municipal level, add to this the complex Eskom load shedding makes it very difficult for manufacturers and users of energy to optimise the cost of energy.

I led my presentation at the MESA Conference at the end of last year showing two different municipalities’ energy bills. Both being time-of-use structures and what is patently clear is that every reasonable user needs to check their bills monthly. More importantly, if you are trying to minimise the cost of energy measuring and being able to control is a must. An example is an energy management system we have put into a retail outlet which by their own admission, “we know how to sell baked beans, and know very little about energy and its impact.” Yet it constitutes a very big proportion of their costs monthly.
The results have been very good and the IoT technology and cloud integration to many sources of data has proved to be reliable and virtually bankable.
This year will see Adroit 11 hitting the shelves, with some interesting developments in line with support digital strategies of customers. Our Digital and Support Services teams are ready and willing to assist in making sense of the plant data we are handling.
So, please don’t hesitate to talk to us about any business need you may have in 2024. Be it improving efficiency, productivity or managing costs we can and will be in a position to assist. Supported by our partner Mitsubishi Electric there isn’t an automation project we cannot assist with, at the best value money can buy.