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- Create Date 20 February 2023
- Last Updated 1 March 2023
Control and Visualisation
Monitoring and visualisation are key to knowing when safety-critical areas of a machine have been activated, and this information helps operators and plant managers to synchronise production across the plant. GOT/HMIs and MAPS provide the visualisation and monitoring of safety-related processes within applications.
Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) are the modern way to monitor and control a machine, plant, or system and are ideal for use in safety systems. They receive signals from sensors all around the machine, then process and present them as simple schematics or information on a full colour touch screen. They can be integrated with safety systems to present clear, concise safety status reports. Mitsubishi Electric’s GOT HMIs to combine the best in performance, graphics, and functionality in an ultra-compact and robust package. The range covers screens from 3.7” to 15” with both panel mount and pendant-style units.