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- Create Date 21 February 2023
- Last Updated 15 March 2023
Food and Beverage
Efficient, agile operations are key to food and beverage (F&B) and consumer packaged goods (CPG) businesses. Fast-paced, lower margin, and highly competitive, these markets constantly face new challenges like segmentation, shifting brands, and fluctuating supply and demand. Waste reduction, tracking and tracing, and regulatory compliance are front-and-center priorities at the plant.
Mitsubishi Electric's manufacturing and productivity solutions directly address those needs. Developed in collaboration with our e-F@ctory partners, our factory automation portfolio is your recipe for success. It includes robots, service motion technologies, modular programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and human-machine interfaces (HMIs). Mitsubishi has a reputation for quality, reliability, innovation, and a deep understanding of the industry. That's why we're the number one automation vendor in the world market.