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- Create Date 24 February 2022
- Last Updated 24 February 2022
MODBUS Ethernet Rev 92 (MOD_ETH)
MODBUS Ethernet Rev 92 (MOD_ETH)
Please note that all drivers are now shipped with the main installer of the Adroit or MAPS software.
Adroit supports communication with the following PLCs: Modicon 84, 884, 184, 384, 484, 584,984, Quantum, Premium, M340, Ethernet/serial gateways and many other third-party devices over TCP/IP.
Note: Modbus Ethernet Multi-Channel is an alternate driver for those using the Modbus Ethernet protocol which implements various optimizations to ensure very high-speed communications and includes the ability to configure multiple channels on one device configuration, to load balance their scan tasks over these channels.
Tip: Your existing Modbus Ethernet (MOD_ETH) devices are interchangeable with the new MOD_EMC devices (both devices use identical registry and addressing structures).
If you need assistance or any support please contact adroitsupport2@adroit.co.za or marketing@adroit.co.za