PLC – GX Works3
System simulation, SD card function (webserver, file manipulation)
PLC – GX Works3
1. System Simulator setup
1.1 Start System Simulation window
1.2 Add System
1.3 Add virtual SD card
1.4 Connect simulation
1.5 Connect plc to the system
1.6 Add files to the Virtual SD card
You can only add files before start system simulator. If you would like to modify of the content of the memoy card, you have to stop the system simulator.
You can reach content of the SD card via the file Explorer. Just need to double click on the VirtualSDMemoryCard and copy the neccessary files.
1.7 Start Simulator
1.8 Write project to the Simulator
The attached example contains the webserver setup.
2. Test
2.1 Webserver
Both system webpage and user webpage can be use in the simulator.
For the detailed webserver setup please read the relevant part of the manual.
Apply the settings and write the modificaton of the System simulator.
Start he browser (for example Chrome, Edge) in your computer with the appropriet port number of the web server:
For example: http://localhost:20111
System webpage
User webpage
2.2 File read from CSV
Use the attached gx works 3 program to read out the values from the CSV file. It contains a few value.
Force M310 ON, and check the buffer